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Gameplay / PhysicsService

PhysicsService Class

Collision group

Table of contents


touchesUseCollisionGroups(): boolean other
Determine whether models set to non collision in different groups ignore touch events while ignoring collisions


addCollisionGroup(name: string): void other
Add a new collision group
boxOverlap(boxPos: Vector, boxExtent: Vector, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): GameObject[] other
Return an array of objects that overlap with the given box body
boxTraceMulti(start: Vector, end: Vector, halfSize: Vector, orientation: Rotation, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult[] other
Scan a box along a given route and return all hits encountered, including the first interception hit.
boxTraceSingle(start: Vector, end: Vector, halfSize: Vector, orientation: Rotation, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult other
Scan a box along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.
capsuleOverlap(capsulePos: Vector, radius: number, halfHeight: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): GameObject[] other
Return an array of objects that overlap with the given capsule body
capsuleTraceMulti(start: Vector, end: Vector, radius: number, halfHeight: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult[] other
Scan a capsule along a given route and return all hits encountered, including the first interception hit.
capsuleTraceSingle(start: Vector, end: Vector, radius: number, halfHeight: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult other
Scan a capsule along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.
deleteCollisionGroup(name: string): void other
Delete existing collision groups
getAvailableCollisionGroupsCount(): number other
Get the current number of available collision groups
getCollisionBetweenGroups(group1: string, group2: string): boolean other
Obtain the collision relationship between two collision groups (whether collision can occur)
getValidCollisionGroups(): string[] other
Retrieve the list of currently added collision group names
isCollisionGroupValid(name: string): boolean other
Whether the detect collision group is valid (added)
lineTraceMulti(start: Vector, end: Vector, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult[] other
Perform collision tracking along the given line and return all hits encountered until and including the first blocking hit.
lineTraceSingle(start: Vector, end: Vector, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult other
Perform collision tracking along the given line and return the first obstacle hit encountered.
renameCollisionGroup(previousName: string, newName: string): void other
Rename a collision group
setCollisionBetweenGroups(group1: string, group2: string, collidable: boolean): void other
Set the collision relationship between two collision groups (whether collisions can occur)
sphereOverlap(spherePos: Vector, sphereRadius: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): GameObject[] other
Return an array of objects that overlap with the given sphere
sphereTraceMulti(start: Vector, end: Vector, radius: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult[] other
Scan a sphere along a given straight line and return all hits, including the first interception hit.
sphereTraceSingle(start: Vector, end: Vector, radius: number, collisionParams: CollisionQueryParams, renderParams: RenderQueryParams): HitResult other
Scan a sphere along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.



Static get touchesUseCollisionGroups(): boolean other

Static set touchesUseCollisionGroups(status): void other

Determine whether models set to non collision in different groups ignore touch events while ignoring collisions


booleanDoes the model set as non collision in different groups ignore both collision and touch events

Determine whether models set to non collision in different groups ignore touch events while ignoring collisions

Usage example: Create a script named TouchesUseCollisionGroups in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. After press 1 and 2, the server will call the onTouch function and output the corresponding LOG.

export default class TouchesUseCollisionGroups extends Script {
    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.touchesUseCollisionGroups = true;
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create normal collision sphere A and set collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 0), "GroupA", false);

        // Create a simulated physical sphere B and set the collision group to GroupB
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.Two, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 100), "GroupB", true);

    serverCreateBall(pos:Vector, Group:string, bPhysicsSimulate:boolean)
        GameObject.asyncSpawn("197388", {replicates:true}).then((obj)=>{
            let ball  = obj as mw.Model;
            ball.worldTransform.position = pos;
            if (bPhysicsSimulate)
                ball.physicsEnabled = true;
                ball.massEnabled = true;
                ball.mass = 50;
            ball.collisionGroup = Group;
            ball.onTouch.add((obj : GameObject) => {
                console.log(`${obj.gameObjectId} - Touch - ${ball.gameObjectId}`);
export default class TouchesUseCollisionGroups extends Script {
    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.touchesUseCollisionGroups = true;
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create normal collision sphere A and set collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 0), "GroupA", false);

        // Create a simulated physical sphere B and set the collision group to GroupB
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.Two, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 100), "GroupB", true);

    serverCreateBall(pos:Vector, Group:string, bPhysicsSimulate:boolean)
        GameObject.asyncSpawn("197388", {replicates:true}).then((obj)=>{
            let ball  = obj as mw.Model;
            ball.worldTransform.position = pos;
            if (bPhysicsSimulate)
                ball.physicsEnabled = true;
                ball.massEnabled = true;
                ball.mass = 50;
            ball.collisionGroup = Group;
            ball.onTouch.add((obj : GameObject) => {
                console.log(`${obj.gameObjectId} - Touch - ${ball.gameObjectId}`);


status booleanUsage: Whether models in different groups that are set to not collision ignore collision while ignoring touch events range: unlimited



Static addCollisionGroup(name): void other

Add a new collision group


name stringUsage: collision group name range: unlimited

Usage example: create a script named CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. Press 1 to see the output "GroupA, GroupB, GroupC" in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{


Static boxOverlap(boxPos, boxExtent, collisionParams, renderParams): GameObject[] other

Return an array of objects that overlap with the given box body


boxPos VectorUsage: detect position
boxExtent VectorUsage: Box size
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Collision query rendering parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


GameObject[]GameObject array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.boxOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.boxOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static boxTraceMulti(start, end, halfSize, orientation, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult[] other

Scan a box along a given route and return all hits encountered, including the first interception hit.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
halfSize VectorBox size
orientation RotationRotation size
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


HitResult[]HitResult array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.boxTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), new Rotation(45, 45, 45), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.boxTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), new Rotation(45, 45, 45), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static boxTraceSingle(start, end, halfSize, orientation, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult other

Scan a box along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
halfSize VectorBox size
orientation RotationRotation size
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters



Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.boxTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), new Rotation(45, 45, 45), {}, {});
const result = PhysicsService.boxTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), new Vector(30, 30, 30), new Rotation(45, 45, 45), {}, {});


Static capsuleOverlap(capsulePos, radius, halfHeight, collisionParams, renderParams): GameObject[] other

Return an array of objects that overlap with the given capsule body


capsulePos VectorUsage: detect position
radius numberCapsule body radius
halfHeight numberUsage: Half height of capsule body
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Collision query rendering parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


GameObject[]GameObject array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.capsuleOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.capsuleOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static capsuleTraceMulti(start, end, radius, halfHeight, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult[] other

Scan a capsule along a given route and return all hits encountered, including the first interception hit.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
radius numberCapsule body radius
halfHeight numberHalf height of capsule body
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


HitResult[]HitResult array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.capsuleTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.capsuleTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static capsuleTraceSingle(start, end, radius, halfHeight, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult other

Scan a capsule along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
radius numberCapsule body radius
halfHeight numberHalf height of capsule body
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters



Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.capsuleTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});
const result = PhysicsService.capsuleTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, 80, {}, {});


Static deleteCollisionGroup(name): void other

Delete existing collision groups


name stringUsage: collision group name range: unlimited

Usage example: Create a script called CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. Press 1 to see the output "GroupB" in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{

    protected onUpdate(dt: number): void {


    // Call this function after the last frame is executed when the script is destroyed
    protected onDestroy(): void {

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{

    protected onUpdate(dt: number): void {


    // Call this function after the last frame is executed when the script is destroyed
    protected onDestroy(): void {



Static getAvailableCollisionGroupsCount(): number other

Get the current number of available collision groups


numberRemaining number of available collision groups

Usage example: Create a script called CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. After pressing 1, you can see the output "8" in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{


Static getCollisionBetweenGroups(group1, group2): boolean other

Obtain the collision relationship between two collision groups (whether collision can occur)


group1 stringUsage: Collision group name 1 range: Unrestricted
group2 stringUsage: collision group name 2 range: unlimited


booleanCollision relationship (whether collision can occur)

Usage example: Create a script called CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. After pressing 1, you can see the output 'false' in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            console.log(PhysicsService.getCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB"));
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            console.log(PhysicsService.getCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB"));


Static getValidCollisionGroups(): string[] other

Retrieve the list of currently added collision group names


string[]List of currently added collision group names

Usage example: create a script named CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. Press 1 to see the output "GroupA, GroupB" in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{


Static isCollisionGroupValid(name): boolean other

Whether the detect collision group is valid (added)


name stringUsage: collision group name range: unlimited


booleanWhether the collision group is valid

Usage example: create a script named CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. After pressing 1, you can see the output 'false' in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{


Static lineTraceMulti(start, end, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult[] other

Perform collision tracking along the given line and return all hits encountered until and including the first blocking hit.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


HitResult[]HitResult array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.lineTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.lineTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static lineTraceSingle(start, end, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult other

Perform collision tracking along the given line and return the first obstacle hit encountered.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters



Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.lineTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), {}, {});
const result = PhysicsService.lineTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), {}, {});


Static renameCollisionGroup(previousName, newName): void other

Rename a collision group


previousName stringUsage: collision group name range: unlimited
newName stringUsage: New collision group name range: Unrestricted

Usage example: create a script named CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. After pressing 1, you can see the output "GroupB, GroupC" in the editor window client

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{

    protected onUpdate(dt: number): void {


    // Call this function after the last frame is executed when the script is destroyed
    protected onDestroy(): void {

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {

    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{

    protected onUpdate(dt: number): void {


    // Call this function after the last frame is executed when the script is destroyed
    protected onDestroy(): void {



Static setCollisionBetweenGroups(group1, group2, collidable): void other

Set the collision relationship between two collision groups (whether collisions can occur)


group1 stringUsage: collision group name 1 range: unlimited
group2 stringUsage: Collision group name 2 range: Unrestricted
collidable booleanUsage: Can collision occur

Usage example: Create a script called CollisionGroup in the scene, drag it into the scene, and copy the following code into the script. Press 1 and 2 to see two balls generate in the scene, and push the nearest ball to hit the other. It will be found that Player can collision with the ball, but the two balls can penetrate.

export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {
    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 0), "GroupA", true);

        // Create sphere B with normal collision and set the collision group to GroupB
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.Two, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(600, 0, 0), "GroupB", false);

    serverCreateBall(pos:Vector, Group:string, bPhysicsSimulate:boolean)
        GameObject.asyncSpawn("197388", {replicates:true}).then((obj)=>{
            let ball  = obj as mw.Model;
            ball.worldTransform.position = pos;
            if (bPhysicsSimulate)
                ball.physicsEnabled = true;
                ball.massEnabled = true;
                ball.mass = 50;
            ball.collisionGroup = Group;
export default class CollisionGroup extends Script {
    // When the script is instantiated, this function will be called before the first frame update
    protected onStart(): void {
        PhysicsService.setCollisionBetweenGroups("GroupA", "GroupB", false);

        // Create the sphere A simulating physics and set the collision group as GroupA
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.One, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(300, 0, 0), "GroupA", true);

        // Create sphere B with normal collision and set the collision group to GroupB
        InputUtil.onKeyDown(Keys.Two, ()=>{
            this.serverCreateBall(new Vector(600, 0, 0), "GroupB", false);

    serverCreateBall(pos:Vector, Group:string, bPhysicsSimulate:boolean)
        GameObject.asyncSpawn("197388", {replicates:true}).then((obj)=>{
            let ball  = obj as mw.Model;
            ball.worldTransform.position = pos;
            if (bPhysicsSimulate)
                ball.physicsEnabled = true;
                ball.massEnabled = true;
                ball.mass = 50;
            ball.collisionGroup = Group;


Static sphereOverlap(spherePos, sphereRadius, collisionParams, renderParams): GameObject[] other

Return an array of objects that overlap with the given sphere


spherePos VectorUsage: detect position
sphereRadius numberUsage: sphere radius
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Collision query rendering parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


GameObject[]GameObject array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.sphereOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), 30, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.sphereOverlap(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), 30, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static sphereTraceMulti(start, end, radius, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult[] other

Scan a sphere along a given straight line and return all hits, including the first interception hit.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
radius numberSpherical radius
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters


HitResult[]HitResult array

Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.sphereTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.
const result = PhysicsService.sphereTraceMulti(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, {}, {});
for (const item of result) {
    // item:  Test results.


Static sphereTraceSingle(start, end, radius, collisionParams, renderParams): HitResult other

Scan a sphere along a given line and return the first obstruction hit encountered.


start Vectorstarting point
end VectorUsage: Termination Point
radius numberSpherical radius
collisionParams CollisionQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query collision parameters
renderParams RenderQueryParamsUsage: Spatial query rendering parameters



Usage example: The following example shows the basic process of using rectangle range detect

const result = PhysicsService.sphereTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, {}, {});
const result = PhysicsService.sphereTraceSingle(new mw.Vector(0,0,0), new mw.Vector(1000,0,0), 30, {}, {});